CONFACH: Containment systems for securing ventilated facades against falls in the event of earthquake

Principal researchers:



Team members:


Funding Agency:

Organismos financiadores

Duration: 01/09/2023 – 31/08/2026

Reference: PID2022-141653OB-I00


Buildings façades represent one of the fundamental components in any building. They are of great importance in any construction and the existing solutions offer features according to the climatic conditions of each location. Façades have evolved over time to the point that they are currently a fundamental element for the energy balance of any building with a decisive impact on consumption and efficiency. Among the different types of façades that can be found, there is one that has received the consensus of experts in Europe for its effectiveness in promoting the thermal insulation of buildings, in addition to advantages such as low maintenance, avoiding thermal bridges. , moisture, condensation, etc.: it is the ventilated façade.

Proyecto CONFACH

Having emerged on the construction scene towards the end of the 80s, ventilated facades have currently been rescued due to their energy efficiency. In the event of an earthquake, coverings, facades, partitions, etc. are very sensitive elements. Usually considered non-structural, they are susceptible to detaching from the building and falling, causing serious economic damage and fatal consequences for people. Ventilated façades, in particular, have a high seismic vulnerability that can cause serious damage in the event of an earthquake. This fact directly led to human and economic damage due to falling parts of the enclosures, as commented. Indirectly, the fall to the exterior of debris from walls and parts of the enclosure, parapets, chimneys, etc. has even more catastrophic consequences, since it has been proven that this fact can block many of the access or evacuation routes to the site of the catastroph. However, even with a detailed design and using current reinforcement and anchoring techniques for façade elements, it cannot be guaranteed or prevented that individual parts of the enclosures (bricks, stones, panels,…) may fall.

This research project aims to provide a complete and safe seismic solution for this important façade typology. The fundamental objective is to develop a global containment system for ventilated façades to solve the problem that their constituent elements may fall to the street due to loss of contact with the building to which they are attached, thus avoiding serious direct and indirect consequences.

Sistema de contención vista 2