Structural Inspections in LAFARGE-HOLCIM

In the case of the Sagunto industrial plant, the concrete and steel structures have been inspected. They consist of industrial buildings that support the components of the plant: furnaces, heat exchangers, elevator belts, mills, etc. In addition, the main silos for the storage of raw materials or cement and the structures of the industrial buildings have been inspected too.

After cataloging and coding the structures, the work consisted of a visual review of each structure by ICITECH staff, always accompanied by Lafarge-Holcim technicians. During the inspection, all the safety measures required in the plant were adopted, and all personnel received a safety and health course before starting the work.

Continuous recording was carried out. This was used for subsequent work in the office, where the pathologies observed are identified from the visualization of the videos, and a file is raised for each one of them. These pathologies are classified based on a double scale: first the structural severity and second the potential risk to the safety of the workers.

The main objective is to know the repair and maintenance needs that the structure is going to demand in the future, and to be able to optimize the resources to dedicate to the structures, so that it is possible to plan the different actions. Similarly, those actions that are essential to guarantee the safety of workers are considered a priority, and in fact various repair interventions have already been carried out to correct some of the problems detected.

At the Villa Villaluenga de la Sagra plant, the inspection was carried out in the same way as in Sagunto, but only affected the metal structures.